Makeup Artist

Iona Middleton is a makeup artist based in Lincolnshire and Southampton, specialising in Editorial and Beauty Makeup. Originally from a small village in Lincolnshire, Iona moved to Southampton to further her skills at Solent University. For the past few years, Iona has had the opportunity to work with many different creatives. These opportunities have helped Iona to perfect her continuity skills. Iona has developed her knowledge in past and current trends within the fashion industry continuously learning and developing. Since Iona has worked on Yves Saint Laurent and Lacome beauty counters Iona has grown in confidence, these jobs have given her the opportunity to hold her own workshops and events which forward her in her career.
Through her years of practice, Iona has had the opportunity to learn new skills within makeup. Together with, developing new skills within photography, introducing Iona into editorial makeup artistry. Since then, creating editorial makeup has been a passion of Iona’s which encouraged her to push herself to create a range of avant-garde looks at industry standards. Creating bold, eye-catching makeup looks will always be an interest to Iona. To be able to create both special effects and editorial makeup looks to a high standard is what sets Iona apart from everyone else and makes her unique.